maandag 28 september 2009

ESB bootstrap failed

Have you ever come across the following error when deploying an esb to your SOA 10.1.3.x server?

error code: 2006 : 5
summary: ESB DT Cache is not initialized. May be ESB bootstrap failed
Fix: Please review ESB prameters for their correctness.

If you have, then you might have found that it can be quite a pain to find out where the problem lies.

A good place to start your search would be in the following log files:




Here you can find logging and errors originating from the esb server. Below you can find a number of error's and how to solve them...

1. If you find a "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded error" in the log.xml file then you should do the following:

a. Shutdown the SOA server. (opmnctl stopall)
b. Shutdown the database server.
c. Increase OPEN_CURSORS parameter in the Oracle initialisation file to 1500
d. Startup database and startup SOA server. (opmnctl startall)

2. If you find a sql-db error concerning the listener in coreman.log then you could try the following:

a. Shutdown the SOA server (opmnctl stopall)
b. Shutdown the database server and listener.
c. Start the database, then the listener
d. Start the SOA server (opmnctl startall)

Good luck!